Vacancy Announcement for Market Survey Consultant


Market Survey


Introduction to Green Path Nepal:

Green Path Nepal (GPN) was established for the environment protection, climate change and natural resource conservation with right based approach to the community people as well as policy makers, development workers and civil society. GPN has long experience in designing, developing and implementing the programs on waste management, natural resource management, environmental conservation, energy, water and sanitation, climate change adaptation and disaster risk management. GPN strives to successfully assist people, organization’s, systems and processes in Nepal and works closely with national entities to positively contribute to the promotion of the better health and environmental status and the empowerment of communities in Nepal.

Background of the project:

  1. Project Title: Healthy Waste Workers for Sustainable Waste Management
  2. Project Description:

The project “Healthy Waste Workers for Sustainable Management” will be implemented with the collaboration of KMC with technical and financial support from Medecins Du Monde- France (MDM-F) along with Green Path Nepal (GPN) and SamyuktaSafaiJagaran (Sasaja) as implementing partners. The project goal is to create positive impact for improving health, wellbeing and livelihood of informal waste workers (IWWs) in Kathmandu valley and Sisdole landfill site. The project sights to reinforce the capacities of leaders of IWWs for the establishment and operation of nonprofit enterprises for poverty reduction, upliftment of self-confidence and develop social recognition of the IWWs among the community. To achieve the project goal and objective, the project has the following three outcomes:

Outcome 1: Formalization of IWWs through non-profit enterprises and increasing their recognition in integrated solid waste management in urban cities.

Outcome 2: Increase risk mitigation and promotion of decent safe work opportunities in current activities and through innovation

Outcome 3: Increase access to quality health services for IWWs and the community through promotion of Urban Health Promotion Center

Among these three outcomes, GPN is primarily responsible to carry out Outcome 2 through execution of the following outputs;

Output 2.1 All IWWs non-profit enterprises participate in local and regional platforms involving public and private partners for policy dialogue and access to rights

Output 2.2 Innovative economic opportunities contributing to risk mitigation and environmental exposure are initiated by IWWs non-profit enterprise and associated partners through capacity building of IWWs on entrepreneurial and basic financial skills

Output 2.3 Capacity building of IWWs regarding OSH and its activities implementation

Among the various activities planned to execute the outputs, market survey is one of the key activities in execution of Outcome 2.2. A thorough market survey will be conducted targeting on the innovative economic opportunities for IWWs non-profit enterprises. The major purpose of conducting the market survey is to support the IWWs for better engagement and sustainable operations of the enterprises. With the help of the findings of this survey, overall dimension of the existing market system of waste shall be identified which shall further aid in finding the best economically viable non-profit enterprises which will support in improvement of livelihood aspect of IWWs. It will also find a way forward to guide the beneficiaries to develop new technical skills which will enable them to access better economic opportunities within the existing market system of waste.

The market survey will be focused on the present condition of waste collection, pattern of material flow, working condition of informal waste sector, potential enterprises etc in Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC), Sisdole landfill site and neighboring cities. Furthermore, this survey will help to explore the connection between the material flow and its market chains.

By taking the reference of market study conducted by PRISM project, the market evolution of plastic, textile, paper,including healthcare waste, organic waste and electronic waste and others shall be identified. The findings from the market survey will be a baseline for development of three enterprises, development of business model for the identified initiatives.

3.  Rationale of Market Survey

GPN emphasizes on result-based project framework. It is very important for the project that the intended outcome and output stated is achieved in the project duration. In 2012, a market study was conducted by the PRISM project on the accessibility of the waste market to the informal sector. However, since this study was conducted, the waste market evolved (new private stakeholders, changes in price and legislation, etc.) Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a new survey that will not only update the PRISM one but also enlarge the scope to include other types of waste such as hazardous waste and healthcare waste and the new waste sector actors

In this scenario, it is crucial to set up initial benchmark (baseline) at the start of the project which shall be a reference milestone throughout project. In this regard, this market survey will provide the baseline of the existing status of the current market system which will be reference to develop various strategies to achieve the project outputs.

4.  Scope of work

The scope of this market survey is to explore the areas of current market system like market channels, selling and buying practices, payment mechanism, marketing margin, volume of different waste products, pricing system, size of the market, wages of IWWs. The job satisfaction level and income and savings of the IWWs. Also, the consumption pattern of different recyclable materials in different industries and tax on scrap mobility will be noted. Furthermore, the survey will seek the probable risk on the waste market affected by the COVID 19 pandemic.

5.  Objective of Survey

The objective of this market survey is to identify the overall dimensions of the existing market system of waste management, including organic waste and hazardous waste such as health care waste and electronic waste, and to recommend strategic actions for improving the existing market system with potential innovative economic opportunities for IWWs nonprofit enterprises.

Specific objective

  • To assess the current market channel of various waste products.
  • To assess current marketing system, selling and buying practices, payment mechanism, marketing margin and pricing system of different waste products
  • To identify the role of stakeholders involved in solid waste management sector
  • To find out relevant business models for different categories of waste, focusing on current market system.
  • To recommend strategic actions for improving the existing market system of all type of waste.
  • To identify current workplace status in terms of WASH, Occupational Health and Safety.

6.  Expected Outputs and Activities to Complete:

  • To find out the current status of IWWs non-profit enterprises (challenges in registration, applicability of VAT/Taxation system, etc.)
  • Identification of existing governmental, CBOs, and private organizations leading activities related to informal waste sector (including their roles in Solid waste management)
  • Identification of the existing market system including hazardous, organic and electronic waste.
  • Identify the current income generating status of IWWs
  • Identification of job satisfaction
  • Identification of the categories and volume of scraps/recyclables and their market values
  • Identification of the scrap/recyclables material flow (market channel) in the informal sector: (What percentage of waste is sold in internal market; what percentage is exported)
  • Taxation liabilities in informal waste recycling sector
  • Market consumption pattern in term of different recyclables
  • Identification of potential marketing products.
  • Identification of existing workplace status in terms of WASH, occupational health and safety.
  • Identification of hardware (material supports like rickshaw, rest house, processing and storage space, technological support etc) and software component (formalization of IWWs, orientation on simple doable value addition program of the resources, capacity building etc comprises for informal waste sector)
  • Assess the traditional skills and knowledge of IWWs.
  • Use of PPE among IWWS
  • Evaluation of present scenario of waste market after the COVID pandemic
  • Publish the findings from the market survey in one of the journals.

7.  Methodology:

7.1   Survey Approach and Methodology

Survey Approach, Methodology and tools and technique required will be finalized by the consultant in discussion with team of GPN and MDM-F.

7.2   Management of Enumerators and Training: 

The consultant will be responsible for management of enumerators for this survey. Similarly; consultant is also liable for capacity building of enumerators (orientation to enumerators) on data collection tools. A detailed schedule of capacity building training to enumerators must be organized in consultation with GPN. Survey should be conducted with paper-based questionnaire/ checklist.

7.3   Duration of Work

Total of 50 days is allocated for the consultant’s input for market survey from April to August 2021,within which consultant has to complete entire document review, field activities, report submission, publish the finding and facilitate one dissemination workshop.Business Development Officer of GPN will support during field activities of survey. However, their engagement will depend upon their work priority. The consultant will have to make supervisory visit to both GPN Expert and MDM-F Team to ensure quality of data. GPN Nepal team and MDM-F team will have occasional monitoring visit during data collection period to ensure validity and reliability of data of the Market Survey.

7.4   Data Analysis:

Various methods and tools will beusedto collect data such as interview questionnaire, Observations Checklist and Focus Group Discussion. Quantitative data will be analyzed using excel or other statistical data analysis programs available that can help generate the required information. Qualitative data will be analyzed for key themes. Both qualitative and quantitative data should be used to find overall outcome of Market Survey.

7.5   Report Preparation and Submission: 

The consultant team will prepare a draft report and share with GPN and MDM-F team within two weeks after completion of field activities. GPN and MDM-F team will provide feedback on draft report and upon recommendation, report must be finalized.Consultant should also provide raw data (both unclean and cleaned data from field) to GPN.

Additionally, consultant should also present major findings to GPN and feedbacks obtained in the presentation should be incorporated in the final report of market survey.

A draft report of the Market survey must be submitted together with a presentation of the findings. Upon receiving the preliminary report, GPN will give feedback and asks the consultant to finalize the report for final submission. Final report of market survey should be submitted to GPN Nepal within given contract period.

8.  Responsibilities and Deliverable of Consultants: 

The composition of Market Survey team is up to the consultant and can choose depending on their internal system, ideas and logic but team members must fulfill competency criteria. However, GPN recommends that the team should comprise of one Team Leader (TL) who takes overall responsibility of this Market survey and coordinate between GPN and survey team. Another important responsibility is to provide basic orientation and training to selected numbers of enumerators regarding data collection from field. Supervision of the field works and quality (reliability and validity) of the data/information collected at field is primary responsibility of TL. Similarly, TL will work closely with GPN and MDM-F Project Team. In each step and process, consultation with the Business Development Officer of GPN is vital.

The consultant will be primarily responsible to:

  • Develop/design Market Survey based on Methodology including questionnaire for Market survey and checklist and tools for group interaction including FGD with target beneficiaries and stakeholders.
  • Share study design including process, methods and questionnaires/checklist with project team and collect feedback and finalize study design.
  • Design pre-test questionnaires and other tools.
  • Debrief/discuss with project team about effectiveness of questionnaire, checklists and other tools used in pre-test, collect feedback and finalize them.
  • Orient, train and supervise the enumerators.
  • Carry out field work together with enumerators.
  • Ensure quality of information collected from field, cross check with the validity of information collected and verify/revise where needed.
  • Update progress of study on regular basis to GPN Team.
  • Update GPN in case of any emerging issues related to survey arising during survey.
  • Analyze data and develop tabulation of data.
  • Prepare draft report and share with GPN team, project staffs and collect their feedback.
  • Present major findings to GPN team and collect feedbacks.
  • Prepare final report incorporating feedbacks and suggestions and submission of final report (a compiled version of the report – both hard copy and electronic version in word format to submit within the contract period).

9.  Institutional Arrangements

The selected consultant will work under overall supervision of GPN Experts and the direct supervision of the Business Development Officers of Green Path Nepal. The project team will coordinate and provide contacts of relevant Stakeholders, private sector and other stakeholders involved for consultations.

10.  Duty Station 

Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Sisdol Landfill site and other neighboring cities.

11.   Competency of Organization/ Consultant:

Professional experience

  • A minimum of 5 years relevant experience in conducting various market surveys for organizations working in environment/public health sector.
  • Experience in developing tools and data collection methods, statistical approaches to analyzing data, market research methods, instruments, anticipating research and data needs and developing marketing plan
  • Experience in working with communities and less advantaged / marginalized beneficiaries especially the Informal Waste Workers
  • Experience working with partners/ partner organizations and/or government authorities
  • Experience in research paper publication in various national/ international journals.


  • Strong project management, organizational, planning and time management skills.
  • Excellent in written and verbal communication skill a must.
  • Experience dealing with both qualitative and quantitative data set.
  • Proven ability of being able to tie research findings back to strategic business objective.
  • Excellent analytical skill, as demonstrated by a track record of thought leadership and problem-solving activities.

Education requirements (Team leader/ Consultant)

  • University degree in Business management, health science, social science or other relevant degree or equivalent
  • Knowledge in relevant aspects of conducting market survey and business model development

Submission process: Interested consultants/Firms can submit their applications with an estimated budget at [email protected] no later than 11 April 2021.