Consultation Required : Assessment of biomethanation plant of Teku

Terms of Reference

 Consultancy for Biogas Assessment

 Project and Organization Involved Context

Green Path Nepal (GPN) was established for the environment protection, climate change and natural resource conservation with right based approach to the community people as well as policy makers, development workers and civil society. GPN has long experience in designing, developing, and implementing the programs on waste management, natural resource management, environmental conservation, energy, water and sanitation, climate change adaptation and disaster risk management. GPN strives to successfully assist people, organization’s, systems, and processes in Nepal and works closely with national entities to positively contribute to the promotion of the better health and environmental status and the empowerment of communities in Nepal.

Médecins du Monde France (MdM-F) has been operating in Nepal since 1995. From January 2018 to December 2019, MdM-F implemented a 2-years program titled “Healthy Waste Workers in Kathmandu Valley” with an overall objective to improve the health status of informal waste workers in Kathmandu Valley. After Nepal entered the first official lockdown from 23 March 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic, MdM-F developed a short 4 months (June 2020 to September 2020) response project aiming to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 amongst the vulnerable communities of formal and informal waste workers in Kathmandu Valley / Kakani Rural Municipality and amongst the urban community preventing and promoting safe and efficient waste collection, in partnership with Kathmandu Metropolitan city (KMC), Solid Waste Management Association (SWMAN) and UNDP.

In continuation with the previous 2018-2019 project, MdM-F has been implementing a 3-year project (2020-2023), named “Healthy Waste Workers for Sustainable Waste Management” (HWW4SWM) which overall objective is to improve health, wellbeing, and livelihood of informal waste workers in Kathmandu Valley and Sisdole landfill.

The HWW4SWM program has been set up in partnership with 4 local stakeholders:

  • Kathmandu Metropolitan City/ Kakani Rural Municipality, responsible of urban health facilities/Sisdole healthpost
  • Samyukta Safai Jagaran(SASAJA), an IWWs’ cooperative experienced in IWWs mobilization, peer education and microfinance
  • Green Path Nepal, specialized in developing innovative waste management projects based on public-private partnerships, including harmful and toxic waste management.

This project has three main expected outcomes:

  1. Formalization of IWWs through non-profit enterprises and increasing their recognition in integrated solid waste management in urban cities
  2. Increase risk mitigation and promotion of decent safe work opportunities in current activities and through innovation
  3. Increase access to quality health services for IWWs and the community through promotion of Urban Health Promotion Centre

Among these three outcomes, GPN is primarily responsible to carry out Outcome 2 through execution of the following outputs.

  • Output 2.1 All IWWs non-profit enterprises participate in local and regional platforms involving public and private partners for policy dialogue and access to rights
  • Output 2.2 Innovative economic opportunities contributing to risk mitigation and environmental exposure are initiated by IWWs non-profit enterprise and associated partners through capacity building of IWWs on entrepreneurial and basic financial skills
  • Output 2.3 Capacity building of IWWs regarding Occupational Safety and Health and its activities implementation

Consultancy Context

This consultancy is related with the output 2.2 of the project. The project aims to develop 6 different business models is various types of waste: Plastic, Textile, Paper, Organic, Healthcare and Electronic wastes.

Regarding management of organic waste, the project will develop initiatives with the local communities of ward of 12, 13,15, 19 and 20 for collection of their household organic waste through common collection points. In terms of partnering with government stakeholder for the management of organic waste, project explored that there is ‘Bio-methanation’ plant at Teku, Kathmandu which was supported by European Union (EU) along with the technical support of Himalayan Alliance for Climate Change (HIMCCA) in 2017. The plant has been installed under the EU supported project ‘Promoting Integrated Sustainable Solid Waste Management Project in Nepal’.

Since, it was supported to the Environment Management Department, Kathmandu Metropolitan City, we had discussion with them about the status of the plant. As per their information it is not functional currently. The capacity of plant is 3 tons with output of 200 NM3 of biogas, 14kw electricity and dry compost manure 300 kg with water.

With this consultancy we are expecting a detail assessment of this ‘Bio-methanation’ plant status and recommendation whether it is something our project should invest in or not.

Key objectives of the consultancy

These terms of reference concern a preparation of detail assessment report on the ‘Bio-methanation’ plant at Teku, Kathmandu which aims to:

  • Conduct assessment of bio-methanation plant at Teku, Kathmandu (in protection of Environment Management Department, KMC). Assessment should include status of its current functionality, details of resources needed to make it functional, if repairs/maintenance is needed, cost of all operation etc.
  • Conduct trials for few days to check its functionality.
  • To make common understanding on resources needed, roles and responsibilities for smooth functioning of ‘Bio-methanation’ plant with Environment Management Department, KMC.
  • Prepare detail assessment report including recommendation to the project.
  • Give an idea regarding possible partnership (public, private.) to be explored by the project to make the plant functional.

Methodology for the assessment

  • Collect relevant document/desk review, relevant article, government guidelines and policy paper relevant if there are any,
  • Visit/zoom/telephone meetings with Environment Management Department Staff, other relevant local stakeholders, potential partners to understand the current situation,
  • Prepare outline of the assessment and finalise in coordination with project team
  • Propose, design (with the resources needed), and schedule the trials at the plant
  • Write up of comprehensive assessment report including all the annexes if there are any
  • Field visits and networking as per need
  • Presentation of the finding and send Draft report of the assessment to GPN and MDM for initial feedback
  • Finalize and submit the assessment report including all supporting documents

(Note: Final methodology should be proposed by the consultant)

Expected deliverables

  • Propose and finalize the detail methodology of the assessment referring/including the ones detailed in this TOR.
  • Financial proposal to complete this assessment
  • Proposed work plan
Date Activities Potential Outputs

Note: Project wants to start the assessment at least by 30th of September 2021

Security / COVID-19

COVID-19 SOPs of GPN will be briefed to the consultant/s

Required Competencies

Competency of Organization/ Consultant:

Professional experience

  • A minimum of 5 years relevant experience in conducting various Bio-Gas Assessment
  • Experience in working with communities especially the Solid Waste Management Sectors including Organic Waste.
  • Experience working with partners/ partner organizations and/or government authorities


  • Strong project management, organizational, planning and time management skills.
  • Excellent in written and verbal communication skill a must.
  • Proven ability of being able to tie research findings back to strategic business objective.
  • Excellent analytical skill, as demonstrated by a track record of thought leadership and problem-solving activities.

Education requirements (Team leader/ Consultant)

  • University degree in health science, social science, engineering, environmental science, or other relevant degree or equivalent
  • Knowledge in relevant aspects of conducting Bio Gas Assessment


Please send your proposed methodology and financial proposal to this email address [email protected]