Support in improvement of WASH and HCWM in selected hospital

The project is supported by UNICEF-Nepal and the project timeline is from August 2020 to the end of February 2021. The project is summarized as below: 300 people reached with critical WASH supplies (including hygiene items) and services 30 healthcare facility staff (sanitation worker/waste handlers) trained in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) One Healthcare Waste […]

Support in safe HCWM management of health facilities of Lalitpur Metropolitan City

GPN supported Lalitpur Metropolitan City in designing of Common Treatment Facility for managing the waste generated by 31 health institution managed by the metropolitan city office, July 2018-October 2019. The main objective of the project was to support the metropolitan city in designing a safe health care waste management system for the proper management of […]

HCWM Assessment of Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitan City

Assessment on current status of the health care waste management of the current status of the health care facilities of Lalitpur sub-metropolitan city, with the support of European Union from 15th June- 15th November, 2016. The major objectives of this project are summarized as below: Objective: To assess current best practices and identify gaps that […]

Health Care Waste Assessment of 5 Zonal Hospitals

Assessment of safe health care waste management system in 5 zonal hospitals in each region with the support of World Health Organization from 15th March – 30th September 2015. The key objective of the project and the major findings are summarized as below: Objective: The main objective of the project was to access the existing […]