Expression of Interest
Entrepreneurial Capacity assessment of IWW’s Non-Profit Enterprise members Introduction to Green Path Nepal: Green Path Nepal (GPN) was established for the environment protection, climate change and natural resource conservation with right based approach to the community people as well as policy makers, development workers and civil society. GPN has long experience in designing, developing and implementing […]
Support for institutionalizing healthcare waste management as per national standards and operating procedures at selected hospitals
The project is supported by GiZ and the project duration is till 30th June 2023. During COVID 19 pandemic, the much-neglected area of healthcare waste management and water sanitation and hygiene became essential for safe service delivery in emergency for COVID case management. GIZ-S2HSP assisted the MOHP in developing HCWM related policy, strategic plan, guidelines, […]
Vacancy for Administration and Finance Officer
DETAILED JOB DESCRIPTION / REQUIREMENTS: Administration & Finance Officer I – Organization context Green Path Nepal (GPN) is a national NGO working in promotion of health, environment and energy issues established in 2014. GPN strives to successfully assist people, organization’s, systems and processes in Nepal and works closely with national entities to positively contribute to the […]
Consultation Required : Assessment of biomethanation plant of Teku
Terms of Reference Consultancy for Biogas Assessment Project and Organization Involved Context Green Path Nepal (GPN) was established for the environment protection, climate change and natural resource conservation with right based approach to the community people as well as policy makers, development workers and civil society. GPN has long experience in designing, developing, and implementing […]
Vacancy Announcement Research Consultation
Terms of Reference (ToR) to Conduct Quantitative Survey Healthy Waste Workers for Sustainable Waste Management (HWW4SWM) Project Introduction: Green Path Nepal (GPN) was established for the environment protection, climate change and natural resource conservation with right based approach to the community people as well as policy makers, development workers and civil society. GPN has long […]
Vacancy Announcement for Market Survey Consultant
TERMS OF REFERENCE Market Survey INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT (IC) Introduction to Green Path Nepal: Green Path Nepal (GPN) was established for the environment protection, climate change and natural resource conservation with right based approach to the community people as well as policy makers, development workers and civil society. GPN has long experience in designing, developing and implementing […]
Healthy Waste Workers for Sustainable Waste Management
The project is supported by Médecins du Monde – France (MdM-F) and the Project timeline is from January 2021 to end of September 2023. Project Summarized as below : -Increase risk mitigation and promotion of decent safe work opportunities in current activities and through innovation -All Informal Waste Workers (IWWs) non-profit enterprises participate in local […]
Support in improvement of WASH and HCWM in selected hospital
The project is supported by UNICEF-Nepal and the project timeline is from August 2020 to the end of February 2021. The project is summarized as below: 300 people reached with critical WASH supplies (including hygiene items) and services 30 healthcare facility staff (sanitation worker/waste handlers) trained in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) One Healthcare Waste […]
Support to implement safe health care waste management system along with WASH improvement in 8 hospitals of 1, 2, 5 and Sudur Paschim Province
This project is supported by GIZ Nepal and the project time line runs from April 2020 to April 2021. The project is summarized as below: A: Rapid Assessment: Use rapid assessment tool of HCWM and WASH developed by MD, WHO, GIZ especially focusing on management of COVID-19. Conduct an assessment on HCWM and WASH in […]
Support in safe HCWM management of health facilities of Lalitpur Metropolitan City
GPN supported Lalitpur Metropolitan City in designing of Common Treatment Facility for managing the waste generated by 31 health institution managed by the metropolitan city office, July 2018-October 2019. The main objective of the project was to support the metropolitan city in designing a safe health care waste management system for the proper management of […]